
fronts.as_o(r=None, t=None, o=None)

Transform to the Boltzmann variable if called with r and t. Passes the values through if called with o only. On other combinations of arguments, it raises a TypeError with a message explaining valid usage.

This function is a helper to define other functions that may be called either with r and t, or with just o.

  • r (None or float or numpy.ndarray, optional) – Location(s). If this parameter is used, t must also be given. If an array, it must have a shape broadcastable with t.

  • t (None or float or numpy.ndarray, optional) – Time(s). If an array, it must have a shape broadcastable with r. Values must be positive.

  • o (None or float or numpy.ndarray, optional) – Value(s) of the Boltzmann variable. If this parameter is used, neither r nor t can be given.


o – Passes o through if it is given. Otherwise, it calls the function o() and returns o(r,t).

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray

See also
