
fronts.o(r, t)

Transform to the Boltzmann variable.

Returns the Boltzmann variable at the given r and t, which is the result of applying the Boltzmann transformation:

\[o(r,t) = \frac{r}{\sqrt t}\]
  • r (float or numpy.ndarray) – Location(s). If a numpy.ndarray, it must have a shape broadcastable with t.

  • t (float or numpy.ndarray) – Time(s). If a numpy.ndarray, it must have a shape broadcastable with r. Values must be positive.


o – The return is a float if both r and t are floats. Otherwise it is a numpy.ndarray of the shape that results from broadcasting r and t.

Return type

float or numpy.ndarray

See also

do_dr(), do_dt(), r(), t(), as_o()