
class fronts.BaseSolution(sol, D)

Base class for solutions using the Boltzmann transformation.

Represents a continuously differentiable function \(\theta\) of r and t such that:

\[\dfrac{\partial\theta}{\partial t} = \nabla\cdot\left[D(\theta) \dfrac{\partial \theta}{\partial r}\mathbf{\hat{r}}\right]\]
  • sol (callable) – Solution to an ODE obtained with ode. For any float or numpy.ndarray o, sol(o)[0] are the values of \(\theta\) at o, and sol(o)[1] are the values of the derivative \(d\theta/do\) at o.

  • D (callable) – Function to evaluate \(D\) at arbitrary values of the solution. Must be callable with a float or NumPy array as its argument.

See also


__init__(sol, D)


__init__(sol, D)

d_do([r, t, o])

Boltzmann-variable derivative of the solution.

d_dr(r, t)

Spatial derivative of the solution.

d_dt(r, t)

Time derivative of the solution.

flux(r, t)

Diffusive flux.

sorptivity(*, o)


__call__(r=None, t=None, o=None)

Evaluate the solution.

Evaluates and returns \(\theta\). May be called either with arguments r and t, or with just o.

  • r (None or float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,), optional) – Location(s). If this parameter is used, t must also be given.

  • t (None or float or numpy.ndarray, optional) – Time(s). Values must be positive.

  • o (None or float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,) optional) – Value(s) of the Boltzmann variable. If this parameter is used, neither r nor t can be given.

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)

d_do(r=None, t=None, o=None)

Boltzmann-variable derivative of the solution.

Evaluates and returns \(d\theta/do\), the derivative of \(\theta\) with respect to the Boltzmann variable. May be called either with arguments r and t, or with just o.

  • r (None or float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,), optional) – Location(s). If this parameter is used, t must also be given.

  • t (None or float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,), optional) – Time(s). Values must be positive.

  • o (None or float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,), optional) – Value(s) of the Boltzmann variable. If this parameter is used, neither r nor t can be given.

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)

d_dr(r, t)

Spatial derivative of the solution.

Evaluates and returns \(\partial\theta/\partial r\).

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)

d_dt(r, t)

Time derivative of the solution.

Evaluates and returns \(\partial\theta/\partial t\).

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)

flux(r, t)

Diffusive flux.

Returns the diffusive flux of \(\theta\) in the direction \(\mathbf{\hat{r}}\), equal to \(-D(\theta)\partial\theta/\partial r\).

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)

sorptivity(*, o)


Returns the sorptivity \(S\) of \(\theta\), equal to \(-2D(\theta)\partial\theta/\partial o\).


o (float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)) – Value(s) of the Boltzmann variable.

Return type:

float or numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)


[1] PHILIP, J. R. The theory of infiltration: 4. Sorptivity and algebraic infiltration equations. Soil Science, 1957, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 257-264.